May 23, 2016
Ok here are the latest numbers from Barry Jackson following the Summit.
Carried over from previous fund drive $212.96 Money donated by Nancy Hall in this amount
From PayPal $70.00 Money Donated by Robin Fleming, Michael Irwin and Margaret Grunwell
...From Miles of dollars Fund $25.00 Agreed at summit to take this from the Main Acct. and add to the Space Camp Acct.
From Summit Charity $388.00 Original value was $400 but PayPal attached fees dropping the value to $388.00
25.00 USS Heimdal
Total $720.96
Thank you to all donors so far we are now past 700.00 for the year. This years goal is 1,200.00 we have made a big dent in that.
April 15, 2016
Just wanted to give the latest we have on 2016 donation and pledges. This is not counting the 1,100 raised for last years scholarship as this has already been earmarked for the selected winner. Based on the selected program this years winner will be attending 101.00 will be left over from the amount raised last year. leaving 112.06 since in the scholarship fund. With the one received donation already we have 142.06 toward the next scholarship.
USS Stormbringer 11.06 ...(More was donated. Part was applied to last years scholarship which made it possible to have the whole amount this is the rest of what was left.
USS Appomattox 30.00
Pledged (From last year but never received)
USS Columbus 25.00 collected but still collecting
Space Station Nicola Tesla 25.00
USS Jamestown 25.00
Pledged this year
Tommie Jeanne Harrington 10.00
March 18, 2016
Ok was just waiting for the go ahead to make the official announcement and now I have it. So without further ado. First off I would like to thank all of the chapter's and individuals that made this possible. For the first time since 2008 we will be sending a Region 1 Cadet To Space Camp. This would not be possible without the donations we received and I hope all will consider donating again.
Second This announcement is usually made at the Region 1 Summit however with the Summit not being held until mid May it was decided to make the announcement now instead to allow the winner to have the most opportunity possible to attend camp this year before tuition is likely to rise next year. With the Approval of Darlene Harper and Ruth Lane it is time to announce this year's winner. this young man had a very impressive application and we believe will have a very bright future no matter what his future career may hold. So with out further delay.
The 2016 Region 1 Space Camp Scholarship Winner is Cadet 4 Sebastian Motes of the USS Columbia.
Congratulations on behalf of Region 1 and the Space Camp Scholarship Committee.
October 11, 2015
Since we have reached our goal for this year I'm starting a new thread with the running total toward next year's scholarship. To date we have $11.06 beyond what we need for this year. This was part of the donation by the USS Stormbringer whos donation out us over the top for this year. We also have several pledged donations I hope will still come through. The list to date is below. This will be updated as nessecary. Again this is for the 2016/2017 scholarship drive.
USS Stormbringer 11.06
USS Columbus 25.00 collected but still collecting
Space Station Nicola Tesla 25.00
Bryan Detamore of USS Indiana has pledged 50.00
USS Jamestown 25.00
October 9, 2015
As of tonight I would like to report that we have raised $1,111.06. This means we have raised the money needed to send a young person to Space Camp next year. More information will be coming the early part of November as to how someone can apply for the scholarship. I would like to thank everyone who donated to this cause. We started with $415.37 in the fund and have raised an additional $695.69 and we did it in only a few moths time. The region rose to the challenge and made it a success.
Now that being said the goal of the program is to try to send a camper to Space Camp every year. We still have four pledges equaling $125.00 yet to be received. please if you have pledged to donate still do so. These pledges will go toward next years efforts. This also means i'm reissuing the challenge to all the ships in Region 1. With the ships we have in the region if every chapter donates at least 25.00 between now and October 31, 2016 we can do this again next year. For a chapter with 5 members the minimum for a chapter in training that's 5.00 per member for larger chapters even less. And if someone can donate more it is always welcome. No donation amount will be refused either no matter how large or small. If you are a Co consider putting out a jar at meetings and ask members to donate spare change or whatever they can even this can add up. If you are at a con or other event check with event organizers and see if you may beable to collect donations many events will let you. But most important let your members know about the program don't assume that no one will donate because unless you asks they won't have the opportunity.
So my new challenge to the region is for all chapters to donate at least 25.00 by October 31, 2016. And a smaller challenge within that i'd like to see if we can raise half of the 1,100 by April 30, 2016 the halfway point of the bigger challenge. That's 550.00 by April 30. The chapters who have pledged donations following through with those would be a great start.
So again I want to thank everyone who has donated both ships and individuals. Thank you for the pledges yet to come and lets make this happen again next year. Children are the future. If we can't inspire their interest in science, and technology and exploration those area have no future in this country. Space Camp and its programs help inspire youth in these areas. They unite youth from around the world in a common love of science, technology and exploration just the way Gene Roddenbery envisioned. Below is the list of all the donors and pledges thank you again to everyone and be looking for more info to come.
USS Heimdal 25.00 donated
USS McNair 25.00 donated
USS Appomattox 30.00
USS Jurrassic 25.00
USS Star League 25.00
USS Tycho 50.00
USS Columbia 78.00 more may still be collected
VMF-971 on USS Callisto. Region 15. 25.00 collected on their behalf more may come later
USS Indiana 155.00
USS Alaric 25.00 USS
USS Drakonia 75.00
Space Station Bennu 25.00
USS Stormbringer pledged 27.69
Barry Jackson 5.00
Pledged to donate
USS Columbus 25.00 collected but still collecting
Space Station Nicola Tesla 25.00
Bryan Detamore of USS Indiana has pledged 50.00
USS Jamestown 25.00
Vice Admiral Jason Schreck
Co Chair Region 1 Space Camp Scholarship Fund
CO USS Columbia NCC-2049